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Unban brajli po raz trzeci.

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Twój nick: brajli 
Nick admina banującego: Damnslyer
Data/Mapa:  14.11.2014 / dd2
Steam : 
Your SteamID : ' STEAM_0 : 1 : 1773583 ' 
Serwer/mod: only dd2
Opis Sytuacji: nie dobrze mi szło ?
Wycinek z konsoli 

brajli (RADIO): Fire in the hole! [Granat Wybuchowy]
[Katujemy.eu] ==========================================
[Katujemy.eu] Admin DamnSlayer zrobil Ci screeny
[Katujemy.eu] Ilosc: 5
[Katujemy.eu] Typ: BMP
[Katujemy.eu] Umiesc screeny na: http://katujemy.eu
[Katujemy.eu] Pozdro od autora (byCZEK)
[Katujemy.eu] ==========================================
[AMXBans] ===============================================
[AMXBans] You have been banned from this Server!
[AMXBans] You can complain about your ban @ www.Katujemy.eu
[AMXBans] Reason: 'Wrzuc screeny na Katujemy.eu'
[AMXBans] Duration: 'permanently'
[AMXBans] Your SteamID: 'STEAM_0:1:1773583'
[AMXBans] Your IP: ''
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