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Ban appeal

In this section, you can appeal from the ban.


  • Any player has the right to appeal a ban and to file a complaint against the administration or users.
  • Appeals/notifications not written according to the template will be thrown in the bin.
  • If an Administrator is flagged by the UBT, he/she is obliged to speak up in the topic concerning him/her.
  • Witnesses are not evidence. Any appeal must be supported by evidence such as: demos.
  • Any banned player has 48h to appeal after receiving a ban.
  • The banning person has 24h to provide evidence and a spread.
  • UNBAN™ members have 48h to issue a verdict after an admin has inserted the spread.
  • If you have doubts or are not satisfied with the verdict of the UBT members, you have the right to write an appeal. This will be dealt with by the UBT Supervisor/Administration of the forum.
  • The demo can be recorded or downloaded from HLTV.
  • In case of divided opinions, the server Owner decides on the ban.
  • Time bans of less than 2 hours are not considered.
  • Each player has the right to appeal the decision three times.
  • Only UNBAN™ members and admins who made the ban (or admins requested by UNBAN™ members) can comment on ban appeals! Other statements will be hidden and punished with a warning.



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